Planet Waves: Good as Gold | Monthly Forecast | Hudson Valley | Chronogram Magazine

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That's exactly what I think the core problem is. We all possess innate vitality, which we're taught to suppress; then the means of suppression are sold back to us as productive, helpful or socially beneficial in some way. I'm suggesting that if you struggle with self-esteem issues, you might look at what you value as a good thing that is really blocking your access to your own strength and awareness.

Cultivating self-esteem might begin with a reevaluation of all those "good things"—the things that supposedly make one socially acceptable, but which really involve self-denial and suppressing one's desire to live.

One other aspect of this is avoiding what people know might help them. Obviously there are many injuries and insults that we collect in life, some of them truly significant, and a source of ongoing pain. There are ways to address, resolve, and heal these issues. Humans are amazingly resilient and you can be sure that people have healed from much worse than you've been through.

I have heard people say many times, "I don't want to go to therapy because I'm afraid to find out what is in there" (i.e., learn about myself). When it comes to therapy, healing or support, this is the, "What will come first, the chicken or the egg?" question. Will I pluck up some self-esteem and do something for myself that will help me, or will I recognize that I am struggling and then do something in an effort to make my life better?

This can be applied to relationships as well. Is the equation, "I will get out of this relationship when I feel better about myself," or is it, "I really need to make some room in my life and use that space to get myself sorted, and get a little closer to myself"? There are many who would benefit from the affirmation, "I really need a little time between my relationships, maybe a lot of time, and I can give myself that. I've lost track of who I am and I want to find out."

Who you surround yourself with is crucial to your self-esteem. Some people will affirm your value and your beauty and you will learn from them. Some will tear down your value and your beauty (for many reasons) and you will learn just as well from them. However, beyond choosing who your examples are, it's dangerous to invest your self-esteem in relationships because they tend to change so often, and can be so unpredictable.

Jupiter in Leo is saying: set an example for yourself. Within you is a source of life and of value that is yours to draw upon, invest in, have faith in and access as a source of inner love. It's saying become your own teacher. Become your own student. Devote yourself to teaching and learning. This is the gold standard of self-esteem.

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