Horoscopes: October 2009 | Monthly Forecast | Hudson Valley | Chronogram Magazine

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(October 23-November 22)
Your curiosity about people grants you your most dependable interpersonal skills. Now you are about to turn that curiosity on yourself. The relationship we have with ourselves is the most important one of all, because it grants us the quality that mediates our whole vibrational field. You may soon experience a phase of your life where you pull in and let a number of old associations drop away. I suggest you not fall for the illusion that you are losing anything. Rather, dive into your curiosity about your own inner relationship. This corresponds with a sense of radical independence you may be feeling in the ideas about life that you are developing. You will be able to shift gracefully from the sense that you’re the only person in the world who thinks the way you do, to being someone who knows that first you focus your own mind, then you will meet the likes of others with whom you can share and develop your ideas. The first step in this process is stepping back from any notion of having to fit in, conform, or be accepted by others. I’m sure you would never want to admit that this has been on your agenda, but the moment you let it go you will see how it has dominated your thinking and your choices.

(November 22-December 22)
Here is a brief summary of 2009 for you: The year started and built to an early peak with events that demonstrated both how good and how challenging life could be. There were many times when you felt like it was all too much, and yet the sense that you could create something absolutely new and innovative with your life went off like fireworks. To the extent that there were challenges, those only fueled your determination to live well in the time and space you are allotted on this Earth. Then somehow many things that had such incredible potential seemed to go into reverse. Certain things hit frustrating delays and others seemed to vanish like smoke, leaving you to wonder whether you had made any progress at all. Somehow your mind is changing about this. You may not be able to document new progress, but the backsliding has stopped, for one thing, and for another, you are starting to feel like you can make some choices that put you back on track. October brings the tipping point; it is the threshold where you regain your confidence in yourself. It is easy to say “All things in their time,” but it takes wisdom and experience to see and feel this in action. All things in their time—and that time has very nearly arrived.

(December 22-January 20)
If you’re the type of person who is introspective and concerned about your personal growth, you may not count yourself as a Capricorn who is ambitious. I would advise you to reconsider this position, and to embrace the spiritually wholesome nature of true achievement. Here is the defining point, however: It’s not really about you. Yes, you are the spearhead and you will soon emerge as the visionary of an impressive and challenging project. This project has an apparent goal, such as building a skyscraper or creating an art exhibition. Yet there is a secondary goal that’s really the point of the whole endeavor, which is learning how to think in terms of mutual benefit all the time. I am therefore not talking about climbing the corporate ladder or any kind of usual heroism. I am talking about the highly focused path of self-development that you have embarked on since Pluto entered your birth sign. Everything, and I do mean everything, in your life is hooked into this engine of personal growth. Later this month, Saturn is going to cross the achievement angle of your solar chart, which is one of the hallmarks of success. But for a number of reasons, we are not talking about success, but rather about dharma: acting as if to hold the world together.

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