Carlos Eduardo Valim Henrique | Chronogram Magazine

Member since Dec 30, 2013


  • Posted by:
    Carlos Eduardo Valim Henrique on 12/30/2013 at 4:47 PM
    Blue Jasmine may not be the best Woody Allen movie, but is well written, even if it sometimes feels rushed. The comment above is right on the point why you missed completely the mark in reviewing the movie. It is not about stereotypes, it is about characters. You mention that many things were not necessary for the movie. That proves you don't understand screenwriting. Not everything is necessary in a movie. Sometimes they are there just to add levels to the story. Not everything should de functional, like a left key in a Breaking Bad-type series.

    Adoption is a big background to her story. It is important but not decisive to the way she acts. Her sister is adopted too, and she had a completely different approach to life. Remember?

    And then you compare Woody Allen to Bob Dylan, as examples of irrelevant artists today. We have many icons that are really irrelevant today. I could mention The Rolling Stones, The Who, Coppola... But not Allen and Dylan. They made some of their best jobs in recent years. Midnight in Paris, Vicky Cristina Barcelona, Match Point, Time Out of Mind, Love and Theft, Modern Times and Tempest are here to prove it. How can artists that constantly are making movies and albums who are usually found on best of the year lists collected by important magazines are irrelevant? Maybe it is not for your taste. But you can't say they are irrelevant. Or do you measure relevance by the Lady Gaga level of media exposure?