Horoscopes: Sagittarius | Sagittarius | Hudson Valley | Chronogram Magazine

SAGITTARIUS (November 22-December 22)

Saturn is in your sign, and that may describe certain emotional challenges you're facing. It might seem as if these challenges are coming from outside you. Yet your inner life is where the energy is flowing, which includes your emotions and also how you respond to events in your environment. You'll make more progress on the kinds of maturity that Saturn is here to teach if you keep your locus of awareness internal. Spend as much time alone as you can, and really feel what amounts to a world that you contain. You're integrating certain experiences from your distant past, on the way to finding your way to the present. This will continue through the late winter and into the spring. Yes, it's more typical for the Sagittarian quest to be an adventure in the world. It's bolder and more daring to take your desire to unravel the mysteries of the planet into your own heart and soul. As you do this, your relationships will change. You will be more sensitive to how you feel about people, and you're more likely to notice the subtle influence they have on you. And when you branch out into the world, you'll notice different things and feel more connected to your inner core; more receptive and approaching a more harmonious state with the people around you. Go in before you go out.

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